SIBA brewer takes top prize at Great British Beer Festival

l-r: Dickie Bird, Elland Brewery director and head brewer Michael Wynnyczuk. Michael has been in post for just eight months.
The Champion Beer of Britain (CBOB) Award was once again presented to a brewer belonging to the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) at the Great British Beer Festival today, when Elland 1872 Porter from Elland Brewery, West Yorkshire, was announced as winner of CAMRA’s top accolade. All but one of this year’s class winners are also SIBA members.
Elland Brewery’s triumph today means that 13 of the last 14 CBOB winners have come from within SIBA’s membership, as well as the vast majority of class winners. Elland 1872 Porter lifted the top award after winning in a series of local CAMRA tasting panels, regional beer judging competitions and, finally, the national judging at the GBBF today.
SIBA chief executive Julian Grocock said, “We are delighted that the CBOB award has again gone to a SIBA brewer and extend our congratulations to Elland Brewery.
“It is a mark of the brewing skill and innovation demonstrated by SIBA brewers that they continue to win this respected title. Without their influence over the past three decades, the UK brewing industry would look very different today and, as we celebrate the hundreds of beers being enjoyed by thousands of drinkers at the GBBF, we must acknowledge the vision and dedication of those pioneering microbrewers who took a stand against the homogenisation of British beer.”
He added, “Winning the CBOB title has been a ‘game changing’ event for many SIBA brewers in the past. We are confident that Elland will now secure new listings for its excellent beers in the growing number of craft beer-friendly pubs which, thanks to the historic cut in beer duty, now face a more certain future than they have for some years.”
Champion Beer of Britain 2013
Gold: Elland 1872 Porter, Elland Brewery
Silver: Buntingford Twitchell (not SIBA member)
Bronze: Fyne Ales Jarl
Milds: Great Orme Welsh Black
Bitters: Buntingford Twitchell (not SIBA member)
Best Bitters: Mordue Workie Ticket
Golden Ales: Fyne Ales Jarl
Strong Bitters: Beeston On The Huh
Speciality Beers: Growler Brewery Umbel Magna
Real Ale in a Bottle: Worthington White Shield
Winter Beers (announced in January 2013): Elland 1872 Porter; Bartrams Conrad Bill Bartram’s EAISS; Kelburn Dark Moor and Hogs Back A Over T