Robert Humphreys made Beer Drinker of 2014

Robert Humphreys, 2014 Beer Drinker of the Year, receives the “Beer Drinker of the Year Award” from Beer Group Chairman, Andrew Grifiiths MP.
Robert Humphreys, who recently retired after 21 years as Honorary Secretary of the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group, was crowned “Beer Drinker of the Year” by Beer Group Chairman, Andrew Griffiths, MP for Burton on Trent. The presentiation was made on 9th July at the Beer Group’s Annual Awards Dinner that attracted over 250 MPs, Peers and senior industy figures.
Presenting the award Andrew Griffiths said “Robert has been an often unsung hero of the brewing industry; over the past two decades he has worked tirelessly to create the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group, which is not only the largest All Party Group in Westminster, but also the most vibrant.”
“Most MPs enjoy a beer but the Beer Group has allowed them to undertand the vital role that beer and pubs play to the local economy in their own constituencies. There are about 1500 breweries in the UK and the sector employs nearly one million people. This is why it made such good economic sense to George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to cut beer duty in his last two budgets to stimulate the sector.”
“It has been a privilege for me to work with Robert since I became Beer Group Chairman three years ago. He is a man of total integrity with an enormous passion for beer and pubs – and an ever greater sense of fun.”
The Beer Group also presented its other awards:
− Brewer of the Year: Emma Gilleland, Director of Supply Chain, Marston’s Beer Company
− Lifetime Achievement: Keith Bott, Titanic Brewery.
− Beer Parliamentarian of the Year: Dr Therese Coffey, MP for Suffolk Costal.
− Pub Parliamentarian of the Year: Clive Efford, MP for Eltham.