Many brewers make the perfect pint

Black Iris Brewery's Alex Wilson and Nick Folkard with Castle Rock's Dan Gilliland and Adrian Redgrove
Brewers from two Nottingham breweries have joined forces in an unusual and innovative collaborative brew day to create ‘Flame Out’, a new real ale designed by one and made at the other. It is the first time all the kit and experience of Castle Rock Brewery have been put at the disposal of another local high quality real ale brewer.
After a chance remark by Alex Wilson to maintain production while moving Black Iris Brewery to new premises in Nottingham, Castle Rock’s managing director Colin Wilde’s response was; “Beer works best when it’s with friends, so be our guest, come to Castle Rock and make your beer here.”
Alex says the brew day was great and went well. “It’s always fun making a brew, but this was even better on kit that’s four times bigger than we’re used to. It’s also the first time we’ve used wet yeast in a brew. Before this we only used the dry version. It’ll be interesting to see what happens.”
Black Iris Brewery was set up in Derby in 2011. Its new Nottingham brewery is in Basford, under the shadow of the former Shipstones Brewery. Once completed it will make 5,758 pints of real ale a week.
“It feels nice to be welcomed into Nottingham by brewing with good friends,” says Alex.
Alex and his fellow Black Iris director, Nick Folkard joined Castle Rock head brewer Adrian Redgrove and assistant Dan Gilliland to create the one off real ale.
‘Flame Out’, described as modern, hoppy and aromatic, is available at pubs across Nottingham and the east midlands.