SIBA MD Mike Benner to speak at Brewers’ Association ‘Craft Brewers Conference’

Mike Benner, the Society of Independent Brewers’ (SIBA) MD, has been invited to speak at the Brewers Association ‘Craft Brewers Conference & BevExpo’ in Washington DC.
Focusing on SIBA as the UK’s independent craft brewing trade association, Mr Benner will be discussing his vision for the future of British beer and the challenges facing the UK.
“I am delighted to have been invited on behalf of SIBA to such a prestigious event, run by the very well-respected Brewers Association in America. I look forward to sharing what challenges face our members and I’m sure there will be parallels with those facing craft brewers in the US. It is important that SIBA deals with these challenges in the future to help our members prosper and to deliver the future of British beer.”
As well as discussing the challenges facing brewers, Mr Benner will be highlighting the early success of SIBA’s landmark ‘Assured Independent British Craft Brewers Initiative’.
“Much like the Brewers’ Association in America, it is clear there is a need for SIBA to highlight and promote British independent craft brewers and differentiate their beers from those produced by the global brewers. Our Assured Independent British Craft Brewers initiative highlights breweries which are wholly independent, brewing quality beer and are relatively small – brewing less than 200,000hl a year.”
Since it’s launch the initiative has gained support from over 350 British brewers, with many adopting the assured logo and using it on point of sale material, pumpclips and beer packaging. SIBA say that this is a key part of the future of British beer and that there are lessons which can be learned from across the pond.
“The American craft brewing industry has grown massively over the last ten years and much of this is down to the fact consumers are not only seeking out more interesting beers to drink, but that the Brewers Association have made it easier for consumers to understand what is an independent craft beer and what isn’t.”
As part of the ongoing cooperation between the Brewers Association in America and the Society of Independent Brewers in the UK, Bob Pease, CEO of the Brewers Association will also speak at SIBA’s BeerX event on Thursday 16th March 2017.