#cutbeertax campaign – 71 MPs sign and return beer and pub pledge card as ‘giant pint’ delivered to the Treasury

Seventy-One Members of Parliament have now signed a pledge card supporting the brewing and pubs sector ahead of the Budget, with leading industry campaigners delivering a giant ‘pint of pledges’ to the Chancellor at the Treasury, today.
Graham Evans MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group, joined BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds, Ray Turpie, Chair of CAMRA’s Public Affairs Committee, and Neil Walker of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), who have been campaigning for a cut in beer duty in the Budget on 8th March.
The MP pledge highlights the 900,000 jobs that depend on the industry across the country, and the £20 billion beer and pubs add to the economy.
The card points out that British people drink 12 per cent of the beer in the European Union, but pay almost 40 per cent of the total beer tax. Beer is essential to the Great British pub, so keeping a lid on beer duty will help to keep pubs open and thriving, the card says.
Mike Benner, SIBA Managing Director commented:
“It is heartening to see so many MPs supporting the call for a cut in Beer Duty in the March Budget and I hope the delivery of today’s pledges will help persuade the Chancellor to offer continued support to the vibrant beer and pubs sector.”
Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive comments:
“I want to thank Graham Evans and all the MPs who have now pledged their support to beer and pubs, which has been on a cross-party basis. It has made a real difference in the run-up to the Budget.”
Graham Evans MP adds:
“For all members of Parliament, beer and pubs are vital to our communities. Support for the sector can bring more of the investment needed, to provide the great pubs that bring people together to enjoy a pint. I am delighted that so many fellow MPs have shown their support.”