SIBA welcomes Brewers Association’s independent craft brewers seal

“We are aligned with the Brewers’ Association that independence is a hallmark of craft brewing with our own ‘Assured Independent British Craft Brewer’ seal and welcome their commitment to driving forward beer from independent craft brewers with this new certification. Now, whether beer drinkers are in the UK or the US, they will in future be able to easily differentiate between truly independent craft-brewed beers, and mass-produced brews.” Mike Benner SIBA Chief Executive
SIBA’s ‘Assured Independent British Craft Brewer’ seal was launched in August 2016 to make it easier for UK consumers to differentiate truly independent craft beer from that of the global beers, or other non-craft products.
Around 350 brewers pledged their active support for the campaign, many of whom have begun to incorporate the seal into their packaged beer or pumpclip artwork. SIBA have now extended the initiative to all of their 850 independent craft brewing members across the UK, following overwhelmingly positive feedback from the industry.
“It is vital that beer drinkers are able to differentiate between what is a beer from a truly independent British craft brewer and what is a beer from a global brewer. Our ‘Assured’ seal is all about transparency and provenance, ensuring that consumers are getting what they believe they are paying for. Our research shows that consumers believe craft beer comes from relatively small, independent producers, something which the big brewers have long tried to play on. Clearly this is an issue around the World as the craft beer revolution gathers steam globally and the BA certification in the US is a very welcome development.” Benner added.