Free Beer brings out an exceptional turn out!

The inaugural Chiltern Samaritans Charity Cycle Ride took place on Saturday 3rd July. Organisers were thrilled with the turnout. Over 400 cyclists left the start line, some 60% more than had been anticipated. Perhaps it was the offer of a Free Pint by Malt The Brewery for all who took part!
Malt The Brewery agreed to support the Samaritans earlier in the year, after their success last year, raising over £6,400 for the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Charity.
“These organisations do a fantastic job, and no one knows when they might need them” said Jenny Watson, Co-Founder at Malt The Brewery. “Last year we supported Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Charity, completely unaware that 6 months later my own father would require a double heart by-pass.” Thanks to the work of Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals these operations are now routine.
In addition to offering ‘Free Beer’ Malt The Brewery also promoted the event amongst their customers and brewery club members, The Maltsters. Resulting in a good number signing up for the ride, including some for the 80 mile route!
The event was an obvious choice for Malt The Brewery. “We have lots of cyclists visiting the brewery at the weekend’ said Nick Watson, Founder of Malt The Brewery “We believe real ale tastes even better when you’ve worked hard for it!” said Nick, pictured at the ‘Rehydration Station’ with Brewery Club members Graham Gray and Graham Auld who took part in the event.
In all, over 400 people took part. Organisers are still counting the proceeds, keen to see how much of an impact the event has had. Simon Rubin, of Chiltern Samaritans said, the sportive was organized in order to find new ways of raising much needed funds to run the Chiltern Branch. “We were delighted with the support from Malt The Brewery. The offer of a free pint of beer was very generous.”
These events could not take place without the support of local business. In addition to Malt The Brewery’s free pint, Grant Thornton Training Centre provided free food for riders and West Wycombe Estate donated free tickets to Hell Fire Caves. All going towards enticing the 400 cyclists to take part.