From QC to QA, how growing craft brewers can use data to maintain & improve quality & consistency

As Craft Breweries grow, the cost of poor quality & consistency increases, forcing you to collect more quality datapoints for ever larger production volumes. Paper & spreadsheet systems simply aren’t scalable, accurate or reliable.
This short (20 minute) webinar will detail how Brewers:
· Receive instant, relevant information on the performance of the brewing process right at your fingertips.
· Gain consistency & auditability of quality checks
· Get a single real-time view of all quality metrics that need your urgent attention during the brewing process
· Easily analyse trends of key quality metrics over time
· Compare key quality metrics between brews
· Get immediate warnings of impending problems before they become critical
If you’d like to join, email confirming your selected date.
Wednesday 27th September, 10:00 BST
Wednesday 11th October, 14:00 BST
InfinityQS Enact is an affordable, web-based software solution that allows you to replace all the paper forms and spreadsheets you currently use for quality management, providing instantaneous results.