Pimping up the Pump Clips – York Brewery is in Great Shape for the New Year!

York Brewery unveils new heptagonal beer badges.
Quirky, eye-catching contours of a rounded heptagon were chosen to represent the seven ingredients of brewing; Water, Barley, Hops, Yeast, Knowledge, Passion, and Fortune.
Sitting pretty on the bar, the unique shape of the pump clips and bold type style were designed to make York Brewery beers easily identifiable.
Brand manager Neil Arden said, “The previous design served us well, but after six years they were looking a little tired and it was time for a new look. We’ve given the new pump clips a more modern feel, whilst keeping the design classic and clean.”
Pete Law of HBA design said, “The aim was to highlight the authenticity of York Brewery as a traditional brewer of high quality cask ales whilst refreshing the brand to keep the brewery relevant in an ever-changing beer market. The assured style of the pump clips and bottle labels is a sign of a confident brewery which, having recently celebrated their 20-year anniversary is looking to the future.”
Appearing in pubs from January onwards, the contemporary take on classic brewery styling ensures beer drinkers can easily find their favourite York Brewery beers on a crowded bar, while the unique clip shape and strong type-face means they’ll be able to quickly identify new and exciting seasonal York Brewery beers throughout the year.