Am I a ‘buyer’ or ‘supplier’ on BrewBroker?

Article by BrewBroker
BrewBroker are the largest marketplace for contract brewing, connecting breweries to brewers, brands to beers. Our platform is split for two audiences, buyers and suppliers. Here’s where you fit…
What is a ‘supplier’ on BrewBroker?
Simply put a supplier is someone with capacity to brew. If you’re a brewery with spare space and have the ability to contract brew you’re a supplier.
Sign up to the system for FREE and fill out your profile, you’ll need your logo, a short description and some information about your capabilities, you can add images of your brewery if you like! Once your profile is created, tenders will be automatically matched to you and set straight to your inbox to quote. Once your quote is accepted you’ll be able to draw up payment schedules and receive your payments all through our secure system.
What is a ‘buyer’ on BrewBroker?
If you need to produce more beer than you currently can, or are looking to create a beer but don’t have the capacity or capabilities you need a contract brewing partner and need to join the system as a ‘buyer’.
Sign up to the system for FREE and fill out your profile. You can then create your tender, you’ll need information about the beer you’re looking to brew, whether it’s to recipe or you’re looking for a white label beer. Enter the details in to the tender and create a shortlist of suppliers who match your needs. They’ll be sent your tender and invited to quote. Once the quotes are in you pick your brewing partner, agree on the contract and payment schedule and get brewing.
Fixing a problem in the brewing industry
Many brewers are running with up to 45% wasted capacity, that’s empty kegs and empty pockets. On the flip side, many small, new or developing breweries don’t have the capacity to keep up with their demand, enter BrewBroker. Our marketplace seamlessly matches supply and demand in the brewing industry via an easy to use platform.
Sign up today to utilise your spare space, or upscale your production without investing in a bigger brewery. Perhaps you have a contract to brew at a location far away from your current set up, contract your beer at a location closer to the beers final destination to improve shelf-life and reduce your distribution costs and carbon footprint!
We’re a supplier associate member of SIBA, working to create a more sustainable brewing industry. We’d love to welcome you on the platform and to assist you in upscaling or filling your capacity! Sign up to BrewBroker here