Statement regarding Nick Stafford – SIBA Operations Director

“I would like to advise that Nick has resigned from his role as SIBA’s Operations Director with effect from 30th April 2019 after over ten years as an employee and a long-standing association with SIBA. I would like to thank Nick for his hard work and commitment to SIBA over the years.
Following Mike Benner’s resignation from his role as Chief Executive in March (taking up a new post in another organisation in July) the SIBA Board is in the process of recruiting a new Chief Executive and re-structuring the senior Executive team to deliver its strategic plan.
In the meantime it remains “business as usual” – I have every confidence in our senior management and staff team plus our team of consultants and we are working closely with them to ensure a smooth and positive transition for SIBA and its members. I hope you will bear with us during this transitional period.
Until further notice please refer all correspondence for Nick Stafford to Sara Knox, Company Secretary at Mike Benner remains in post as Chief Executive until 30th June 2019.”
Ian Fozard
SIBA National Chairman