Tryanuary Plans Change in Response to National Lockdown

- Tryanuary to be extended beyond January, until the end of the current lockdown
- Addition of #TryanuaryatHome for use on social media
- Encouragement of people to get involved in Tryanuary online communities as part of their mental health and wellbeing
- A central online directory for beer businesses to promote their products and community events
The Tryanuary online community, led by National Coordinator Mike Hampshire, is today introducing new plans in response to the Government’s lockdown announcement.
Tryanuary is a volunteer-led online community that encourages consumers to continue supporting small, independent beer businesses during January, notoriously a difficult trading month.
“People across the country have been struggling with the challenges thrown our way since March last year. The announcement of another lockdown is sadly going to impact people and businesses further” said Mike.
“Tryanuary is built on a strong sense of online community & we feel this year we are perfectly placed to help people with their mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic. This is by being part of our community whilst supporting the struggling beer industry at the same time.”
“By encouraging people to try products from their local small, independent beer businesses and then sharing it on social media by using #Tryanuary and #TryanuaryatHome, we’re giving people instant access to like-minded others and we are hoping those engagements will provide community when people want or need it.”
“This year, we have also reconfigured the Tryanuary website to become a central hub, letting people know where they can buy from to support businesses and how they can get involved in other virtual events.
“It is all about community, giving people a sense of belonging and, most of all, helping them to understand they are not alone in this tough time.”
“Finally, as the current crisis will not end on 31st January, we have taken the decision to extend Tryanuary until the end of lockdown, whenever that may be. It’s reassurance for those that there is an online space for them whilst their usual community hubs of pubs, bars and taprooms remain closed.”
More information can be found out about the community via the Tryanuary website at
To find Tryanuary on social media, search @tryanuary on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.