Napthens to run free 1 to 1 legal advice meetings for SIBA Members during BeerX Online

Over 17 & 18 March advisers from Napthens Solicitors are available to BeerX Online attendees for virtual 1 to 1 meetings.
Book a 45 minute session with the specialist of your choice. Simply email Napthens using the link below and they will arrange a virtual meeting with you on a first come first served basis.
To book your slot Click here (SIBA Members only)
Napthens Team members are available to discuss:
- Covid Regulations and Alcohol Licencing including on and off sales and their relationship with the “Tier Regulations”
- Any aspects of commercial contracts e.g. sales agreements, distribution, procurement, agency
- Buying or licensing IT systems and software
- Marketing and advertising law
- Data protection and GDPR
Business Recovery
- Options for restructure / rescue of companies in financial difficulties
- Directors duties in distressed companies
- Understanding common corporate insolvency proceedings (liquidation / administration / cva )
Issues impacting on your people and your people strategy including:
- Restructuring or making redundancies
- Growing your workforce to support diversification
- Supporting your employees wellbeing
Health and Safety
- Understanding the H&S risks to your employees
- Identifying and overcoming H&S challenges
- Managing H&S in your workplace effectively and efficiently
- Selling your business / acquiring a business
- Any aspects of commercial property including sale/acquisition