SIBA responds to Government calorie count on pints proposals

Responding to the proposals for calorie counts on pints as reported in The Sun, Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers, James Calder said:

“Just when we are starting on the long road to recovery from the devastating impacts of Covid, the Government is planning another costly and complicated hit to struggling pubs and breweries.

“The proposals for calorie counts on pints (as reported in The Sun) is a double whammy for struggling small breweries, which face the challenges and costs in calculating calorie content and then making changes to labelling and pump clips.

“As small breweries are at the cutting edge of innovation they brew different beers throughout the year and use specialist ingredients. This means it’s much more difficult to calculate calorie content accurately, which can change over time. The vast majority cannot afford expensive labs used by Global breweries that make the same beer every day of the year.

“We hope that the government shows some sense and reflects on the timing and burdens on these beloved businesses.”

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