SIBA respond to publication of Government’s “Hospitality Strategy: Reopening, Recovery, Resilience”

Whilst the proposals are ‘very positive’, more needs to be done to support brewers, including the introduction of a differential duty rate for draught beer and positive reforms of Small Breweries Relief which don’t leave small independent brewers worse off.
“It is very positive to see the Government tackling head-on the challenges that face the hospitality and brewing sector with the publication of their ‘Hospitality Strategy: Reopening, Recovery, Resilience.’ which includes a case study of SIBA members Purity and the strides they have taken to limit their impact on the environment.
Importantly Ministers have acknowledged the fact that despite support hospitality businesses have struggled to break-even during Coronavirus and the road to recovery is only just beginning.
Small independent breweries had their businesses cut-off at the knees when pubs were forced to close – as eighty percent of the beer they produce is sold in pubs – but they did not receive the same support as the rest of the hospitality sector, leaving hundreds of breweries facing closure.
The measures set out in the strategy to promote and support hospitality businesses are important, but if the Government’s proposed changes to Small Breweries Relief go ahead then it will all be for nothing and hundreds of local breweries across the UK could be forced to close. To safeguard the future of our small independent brewing industry, and give the great British pub a chance to recover, it is essential Government ensure no small breweries see their tax hiked and a preferential rate is introduced for draught beer.
SIBA look forward to working closely with BEIS to ensure our vital hospitality and brewing industry is given the means to recover and prosper once more.” James Calder, SIBA Chief Executive