SIBA respond to announcement of delay for Scottish Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

“Today’s announcement by the First Minster that the Scottish Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) will be delayed until March next year gives small breweries time to at least catch their breath and begin to prepare for its introduction.
While we fully support the principle of DRS, we have highlighted for many months the extreme complexity of the scheme in Scotland which many small producers do not have the resources or finances to prepare for. Many small breweries have been anxious about the impact it will have on their businesses as they face the cost of living crisis, energy price increases and the lingering effects of the pandemic.
Last year we called on the Scottish Government, in partnership with others, for them to do three things – reduce the costs to small businesses, amend the terms of the scheme so small producers weren’t required to take on extra debt and to delay the start of the scheme in order to allow small producers time to implement the scheme successfully. It is welcome that they have listened to all three and under the new First Minister now delayed it. Now is the opportunity for the Scottish Government and Circularity Scotland to work in partnership with small businesses to come up with real solutions that work for everyone not just the largest businesses and we look forward to working with them to address the other barriers to a successful launch of the DRS.” Jamie Delap, SIBA Scotland Director