Browse Ads

Storage 1000L Cellar Tank for Sale

Storage 1000L Cellar Tank for Sale

1000L efficiency 1300L total volume Stainless steel 304 inner tank 3mm Stainless steel 304 outer tank 2mm Stainless steel 304…
Total views: 145
Price: £ 2,900.00
1500L Brite beer tank / BBT - ABE

1500L Brite beer tank / BBT - ABE

ABE 1500L Brite tank - Brite Tank | ABE Equipment | Your Beverage Equipment Supplier (we also have an ABE…
Total views: 115
Price: £ 4,000.00
Sabre Dennis Fire Engine converted bar

Sabre Dennis Fire Engine converted bar

1997 Sabre Dennis Fire Engine 9 line beer truck conversion with insulated cellar. Full serviced & MOT'd Starts first time.…
Total views: 70
Price: £ 14,995.00