Browse Ads
Storage 1000L Cellar Tank for Sale
1000L efficiency 1300L total volume Stainless steel 304 inner tank 3mm Stainless steel 304 outer tank 2mm Stainless steel 304…
Total views: 145
Price: £ 2,900.00
Total views: 145
Price: £ 2,900.00
1500L Brite beer tank / BBT - ABE
ABE 1500L Brite tank - Brite Tank | ABE Equipment | Your Beverage Equipment Supplier (we also have an ABE…
Total views: 115
Price: £ 4,000.00
Total views: 115
Price: £ 4,000.00
Sabre Dennis Fire Engine converted bar
1997 Sabre Dennis Fire Engine 9 line beer truck conversion with insulated cellar. Full serviced & MOT'd Starts first time.…
Total views: 70
Price: £ 14,995.00
Total views: 70
Price: £ 14,995.00