Today on The Publican's Morning
Mitchells & Butlers buys 173 Orchid pubs
Mitchells & Butlers (M&B) has announced that it has acquired the majority of Orchid’s estate, consisting of 173 sites, in addition to Orchid’s head office, for £266m… Read
Pubs minister says Government is expecting amendments to statutory code
Community pubs minister Brandon Lewis has said attempts to amend the pubco statutory code are inevitable but insisted the Government had made very clear its opposition to a mandatory free-of-tie option… Read
BBPA outlines proposals to help small businesses
The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has proposed amending the definition of small businesses and introducing new rules that force councils to “be more transparent” in regards to business rate relief… Read
Analyst predicts rise of ‘new regionals’ in pub sector
The number of pubs owned by microbreweries could grow from 1% of the market to 10% over the next decade, with financial buyers also busy in the sector, according to Nigel Parson, independent analyst from Dryburgh Research… Read