Raise a Glass to Casks: Baltimore brewers are bringing the old-style cask ale back to bars
By Brennen Jensen City Paper
Across the pond in the U.K., it’s common to see pub signage proclaiming the availability of “real ale.” As opposed to what, you might wonder? Near beer? Something with artificial hops? What they refer to is the Brit’s traditional brew—naturally carbonated ales served from unpressurized vessels at cellar temperatures (mid-50s F), usually referred to in the states as cask ale. Many discerning beer-heads feel that this old-school “real” approach delivers the best-tasting beer.
– See more at: http://www.citypaper.com/eat/food-features/bcp-raise-a-glass-to-casks-baltimore-brewers-are-bringing-the-oldstyle-cask-ale-back-to-bars-20150106,0,3469267.story#sthash.wyw9fN9E.dpuf