Author Archive

Independent Brewers welcome step forward for opening of brewery taprooms in NI

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has welcomed changes to the Licensing Bill which would allow the opening of brewery taprooms as a ‘positive step forward’ for NI’s craft brewers. Currently NI’s 30 small and independent brewers are not permitted to open onsite taprooms to sell their beer directly to consumers, unlike breweries in GB […]

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Deposit Return Schemes are coming and small brewers need to be ready

In this article, SIBA Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Barry Watts explores the forthcoming Deposit Return Schemes and the impact on small brewers Over the next decade or so, governments across the UK have ambitious plans to introduce measures which aim to tackle climate change. With the COP26 conference taking place later this year […]

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SIBA responds to Government calorie count on pints proposals

Responding to the proposals for calorie counts on pints as reported in The Sun, Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers, James Calder said: “Just when we are starting on the long road to recovery from the devastating impacts of Covid, the Government is planning another costly and complicated hit to struggling pubs and […]

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SIBA welcomes Tied Pubs Bill becoming law in Scotland

Commenting on the Tied Pubs Bill becoming law yesterday (23 March 2021), Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers, James Calder said: “With the passage of the Tied Pubs Bill in Scotland last night, pub tenants will now have the same statutory rights that have been provided in England and Wales under a Pubs […]

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Response to the Scottish First Minister’s statement on reopening

Responding to the First Minister’s statement today (16 March 2021) on the reopening of the Scottish economy, Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers, James Calder said: “It is encouraging that the First Minister has taken the first steps to reopen pubs in Scotland with outdoor services from 26 April, but this is several […]

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SIBA comments on the Scottish Brewers Support Fund

Commenting on the announcement of the Scottish Brewers Support Fund, SIBA Chief Executive James Calder said: “Beleaguered small breweries have been some of the hardest hit by the Covid pandemic and seen their sales drain away with the closure of pubs. In these tough times it is hugely welcome that the Scottish Government has listened […]

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SIBA’s response to the Chancellor’s financial support and lockdown 3

Responding to the latest lockdown restrictions and financial support, SIBA Chief Executive, James Calder said: “This is simply the next blow after months of struggle for England’s community pubs and small breweries. For the first time in lockdown the Government intends to ban takeaway alcohol sales which have been a lifeline to these small businesses. […]

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