Author Archive

Red Lion Lady named Beer Drinker of 2016

Cathy Price has been named as the “Beer Drinker of the Year” by the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group Chairman, Andrew Griffiths, MP for Burton on Trent. The presentation was made last night at the Beer Group’s Annual Awards Dinner in Westminster which attracted over 200 MPs, Peers and senior industry figures. Presenting the award Andrew […]

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Positive signs for the brewing industry as SIBA reaches landmark 300 Supplier Associate members

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) has today announced there are now a huge 300 Supplier Associate companies supporting the brewing industry with SIBA membership. Ranging from can-makers to hop merchants, design agencies to equipment manufacturers, the growing number of suppliers supporting and working in the brewing industry is a positive sign for the health […]

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Salopian and Gloucester Brewery take home top awards in the SIBA Wales & West Beer Competition 2016

Winners from the ‘Wales & West’ beer competition, run by The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA), have been announced today, with Salopian brewery taking home the much coveted overall Gold in the cask competition with ‘Hoptwister’ and Gloucester Brewery winning overall champion in the small pack (bottle and can) competition with Gloucester Gold. Beers from […]

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