Author Archive

Wharfedale Brewery wins Bronze in Regional Beer Awards

Wharfedale Brewery, housed at the back of the Flying Duck Brew Pub in Church Street in Ilkley is celebrating more success after their flagship beer, Wharfedale Blonde, was awarded the Bronze medal in the “Standard Bitters” category at this year’s Northern Region Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) beer competition. Following a rigorous tasting process, in […]

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CAMRA appoints new chief executive

By James Wallin, 29-Sep-2014 The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has announced its new chief executive, three months after Mike Benner left the post.  

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Pints of Support for Guide Dogs

With National Guide Dogs Week getting underway on the 4th October Steve Bowles a Worksop Guide Dog owner wanted to come up with an innovative way to raise awareness and much needed funds for the charity.   Steve says; ‘A friend mentioned that he had seen a beer that had been brewed for another charity […]

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Cullercoats Brewery wins Bronze in Regional Beer competition

Award winning Bottled Beers from local brewery Cullercoats Brewery is celebrating success at this year’s Northern Region Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) beer competition, held in York last week. Rocket Brigade IPA and Polly Donkin Oatmeal Stout were both awarded Bronze in the bottled beer section. SIBA North East covers 66 breweries and the competition […]

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Overall winners from the SIBA East Beer Competition 2014

SIBA East Region Beer Competition 2014 DATE OF JUDGING & ANNOUNCEMENT         25th September 2014 Overall Champion of the Competition Sponsored by Muntons Plc Brewery Product ABV Gold Lacons Brewery Encore 3.8 Silver Nethergate Brewery Suffolk County 4.0 Bronze Red Squirrel Brewery Limited Red Dawn 3.7   Post by Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA).

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Cask Ale Week, Cask Report, Cask Matters website, Cyclops

As many of you will know, today is the start of Cask Ale Week 2014, running until 5 October. Today also sees the launch of Cask Report 2014 and with it a new Cask Matters website, designed to help licensees to sell cask ale.  In addition, Cyclops, the beer accreditation scheme, has launched research  showing […]

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Support Grows for Cyclops from publicans and beer drinkers

71% of cask ale licensees are aware of Cyclops The new Cask Report, which is published today, shows that one third of drinkers and 71% of cask ale publicans are aware of the Cyclops Beer accreditation scheme. The Cask Report also reveals that over 90% of real ale drinkers and publicans who are aware of […]

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Cask Matters Website Launched to Help Pubs

Cask ale is booming, the number of breweries is at a 70 year old high and three new breweries are opening every week, however large numbers of pubs continue to close. The cask ale industry has therefore come together to launch the website Cask Matters, in conjunction with the new Cask Report, in the shared […]

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