The SIBA Craft Beer Report 2023 – features new brewery survey data, industry analysis and commentary, as well specially commissioned consumer research via YouGov – shows more people than ever are discovering their local brewery bar or taproom, or buying direct from the source via a webshop.

The SIBA Craft Beer Report 2022 – shows the seismic shift in the UK Brewing industry over the last two years, with traditional cask beer under serious threat as consumers order more online and drink more at home.
2021 – No Report

The SIBA Craft Beer Report 2020 – highlights that a growing number of consumers believe genuine craft beer should come from a small independent brewery. With volume growth in the craft beer category slowing, although value is increasing as it is seen by consumers as a premium product.

The SIBA Craft Beer Report 2019 – our first ever British Craft Beer Report highlights that using the SIBA Assured Independent Logo on the bar allows drinkers to choose genuine craft beer and whilst younger drinkers are drinker less they are drinking better quality beer.