Brewery Driver & Assistanr

Have a passion for beer, great with people and want to work in a brewery? We are looking for an enthusiastic person to join the busy team at Moon Gazer Ale.
Previous brewery experience would be great, but for us, enthusiasm, energy, customer focus and understanding what it means to work as part of a small busy team is what we really need, everything else we will teach you.
Delivering: You will drive and make deliveries. This will involve loading the brewery van and delivery of brewery products to customers, including boxes of beer, bottles, and casks, along with collection of empty casks from pub customers and grain. You will ensure the van is clean and tidy, including daily safety checks.
As part of the delivery service, you will maintain accurate records of items delivered and be responsible for maintaining accurately receipted/signed paperwork at the time of delivery.
You will be courteous and always represent the best interests of the business, as the role will involve direct customer contact. As such you will have full knowledge and understanding of all brewery products.
You will be IT literate and confident in using a computer, software, and systems.
Brewery: Assisting within the brewery in preparation for brewing including clean down and general brewery cleaning, racking in returned casks, cleaning and preparing casks for re-fill and filling casks back into stock.
Picking and sorting customer orders, with an understanding or stock rotation
Attention-to-detail and accurate recording is a key part of the role. In time you will learn most aspects of brewing.
Heavy lifting is a function of the job and all work within the brewery.
It is expected, if necessary, you will be willing to undertake other work for the business of which you are capable and trained for.
Closing Date: Wednesday 29 January 2025